006. Chevalo & Monique Wilsondebriano: How To Turn a Recipe into a Finished Product Ready for Retail Store Shelves & Online Sales

In this episode you will hear the story and lessons learned from Food Entrepreneurs, Chevalo and Monique Wislondebriano. They share how they grew their hamburger recipe from a local popular food into a nationwide online and retail food empire! Plus they discuss how they’re now helping chefs, home cooks and foodies turn their recipes into finished products ready for retail store shelves and online sales.

Episode Highlights:

3:41 – The beginning of Chevalo & Monique’s Doers Journey.

7:58 – How Charleston Gourmet Burger Company Started.

10:51 – The backyard barbecue that started a multi-million dollar business!

14:26 – What helped them move past the idea and to taking action.

17:02 – If you have these two things then you don’t have a problem!

18:39 – Selling their product at the local farmers market!

22:10 – If these people are buying your food/recipe then you might be on to something!

24:17 – The power of mind-mapping! How they retired Chevalo from full time employment!

26:20 The power of you taking imperfect action to get unstuck!

29:39 – The next step after the farmers market.

34:12 – How they got their product in Whole Foods & Harris Teeter (Funny)

38:59 – Chevalo & Monique share their “Doers Superpower”! (Couple’s style)

47:04 – How they got on QVC!

49:18 – Keeping your foot on the gas! The power of being persistent!

52:14 – The power of passion! This will get you thru the hard times.

53:08 – Recipe for Retail: How Chevalo & Monique can help you go from idea to selling online or at retailers with a goal of $1,000 per day!

59:07 – How the right mentor can help you avoid pitfalls and accelerate your success!

1:03:07 – How and where to connect with Chevalo & Monique and have them coach you.

Connect with Chevalo & Monique

Recipe For Retail – Turn your recipe into a finished product for sale online and offiline.

Recipe For Retail Facebook Page

Charleston Gourmet Burger Company Facebook Page

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