011. 8 Key Takeaways & Highlights from TDJ Podcast Episodes 1 thru 10

On this compilation episode, you’re going to hear some of the best takeaways and tips we received from the inspiring guest of episodes 1-10 of The Doers Journey Podcast!

Episode Highlights

2:00 – It’s ok to be different! – Jeffrey Witherspoon (Entrepreneur & Personal Trainer) – TDJ Episode 002

5:14 – The reason most people fail! – Coach Maurice Drayton (NFL Coach) – TDJ Episode 004

8:55 – Work Ethic & Initiative – Melinda Mihlbauer (Scholarship Expert) – TDJ Episode 005

12:35 – The Power of Imperfect Action – Chevalo & Monique Wilsondebriano (Food Entrepreneurs & Coaches) – TDJ Episode 006

16:10 – Leveraging the One Thing mentality – Eric White (Entrepreneur, Investor, Trader) – TDJ Episode 007

18:31 – How to remain Authentic even if you’re modeling someone else. – Bob Burg (Speaker & Co-Author of The Go Giver) – TDJ Episode 008

22:02 – The Benefits of implementing Milestones in your life. – Dave Moore (Endurance Athlete) – TDJ Episode 009

28:23 – Your goal isn’t unrealistic but your timeline might be. – Chris Robinson (Speaker, Executive Coach & EVP of John Maxwell Enterprises) – TDJ Episode 010

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