020. Robert Killian Jr. : Keys to Being the Best Spouse & Parent You Can Be While Pursuing Other High Level Goals – Lessons from a Spartan Race World Champion

Many people struggle when it comes to balancing work life with home life. Is it possible to be the best in your field and still give your best to your family at home? In this episode Spartan Race world champion and pro athlete Robert Killian Jr. shares how’s he’s climbed to the top of the ranks in the Obstacle Course Race profession and the lessons he’s learned to help maintain balance at home with his wife and kids.

Episode Highlights:

04:34 What Rob’s been up to during the coronavirus pandemic.

06:26 How Rob answers the question: “What do you do for a living?”

09:58 Rob describes his experience in the Best (Army) Ranger Competition and how he won it.

13:08 Rob talks about his first experience with a Spartan race before becoming the World Champion

14:45 How Rob strategically approaches obstacles on the course.

15:47 How Rob approaches an obstacle he’s never come across before

17:46 Rob’s favorite Spartan race obstacle (Spear Throw).

18:44 The toughest obstacle he consistently faces.

21:05 The one piece of advice Rob would give to a new Spartan races or obstacle course races.

23:27 What Rob says his Doer Super Power is.

26:14 What helps keep Rob going even after reaching the highest levels of his sport.

30:16 Rob talks about what it’s like and being a spouse, father & world champion athlet.

33:32 Best practices he’s implemented to keep a balance with his OCR and family

38:23 How his fans inspire him.

39:51 How to follow and connect with Rob

How to connect with Robert:

Robert on Instagram

Robert on Facebook

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