031. The Four Thieves that Are Trying to Steal Your Goals and How You Can Stop Them

This episode was inspired by the game ending heroics that was witnessed by people all over the world. It was a last second 50+ yard touchdown pass from Kyler Murray of the Arizona Cardinals to his teammate DeAndre Hopkins! In the middle of 3 opposing defenders DeAndre jumps in the air and makes an unbelievable game winning touchdown catch! A picture of that moment is captured and inspired the thought of the four thieves that try to steal your goals and how you can stop them.

Timestamp Episode Highlights:

03:06 The amazing football play that inspired this episode.

07:09 The 4 Thieves trying to steal your goals:

09:24 Thief #1- Your Past

13:23 Thief #2- Distraction

18:05 Thief #3- Excuses

22:35 Thief #4- Fear of those watching you

Resources / Links Mentioned in Episode:

TDJ Podcast Episode 21: Punch Your Excuse in the Face – Three Ways to Overcome Excuses so You Can Get Things Done

Video of DeAndre Hopkins Amazing Catch

Picture On Facebook of DeAndre Hopkins Catch and the 4 Thieves Stealing Your Goals

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