034. The Secret to Starting Your Day with a Win Using Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning Routine

Your morning routine is your gift to yourself! I’m excited to share with you one of the best tools that I’ve come across establishing a winning morning routine. In 2009 I had the pleasure of meeting Hal Elrod! Hal is the writer of the international best selling book “The Miracle Morning” (The Not So Obvious Secret Guaranteed To Transform Your Life Before 8AM). His book has sparked a movement that has impacted millions all over the world to rise up early and transform not just their day but their lives! Many experts and practitioners from all over the world and through out history have said that waking up early and doing a specific set of practices can vastly improve your life. You will hear what those practices are from Hal’s book and how you can begin implementing them in your life as soon as tomorrow morning! You’ll also get information on Hals movie that is being released on 12/12/2020 called, you guessed it, “The Miracle Morning” movie!

Episode Timestamp Highlights:

2:22 – TDJ Podcast Review of the Week!

3:28 What is “The Miracle Morning” and who is Hal Elrod?

6:50 – The Miracle Morning Movie!

The Miracle Morning S.A.V.E.R.S.

10:15 – S: Silence
11:22 – A: Affirmations
12:08 – V: Visualization
13:09 – E: Exercise
13:41 – R: Reading
14:50 – S: Scribing (Write/Journal)

16:10 – How long should your morning routine be?

18: 30 Four tips to help get your morning routine going:
1 – Set your intention.
2 – Prepare
3 – Go to sleep earlier
4 – Apply the 5 Second Rule

Resources/Links Mentioned:

Watch The Miracle Morning Movie

Get your copy of Hal’s books “The Miracle Morning”

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