035. What A Multi-millionaire Shared With Me About Setting & Accomplishing Goals

You can learn a lot from someone with a net worth of $100 Million! In this episode I share what I learned during a private zoom video conference with David Osborn. David is the author of the book “Wealth Can’t Wait” and he’s the co-author of the book “Miracle Morning Millionaires”. His real estate company transacts billions of dollars in sales every year and goal setting is a big part of how he’s been able to accomplish these type of astronomical results in his life. As soon as I got off of the Zoom video conference with David I wanted to share some of my biggest takeaways with you.

Episode Highlights:

-Go to a place of inspiration when setting your goals.

-Set goals specific to the “Gardens of your life.”

-One mistake that many of us make…setting intentions instead of goals.

-One thing you can add to drastically increase your chances to accomplishing your goals.

Resources Mentioned:

Get information about the TDJ Mastermind 100 Day Challenge for Setting & Crushing Your Goals

Miracle Morning Millionaire – By Hal Elrod & David Osborn

Wealth Can’t Wait – By David Osborn

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