039. Eric White: The Story Behind His Journey Into the World of Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency & Creating Dark Horse Coins

If you’ve been anywhere near a computer, tv or radio you’ve probably heard about Bitcoin and mainly how high it’s price is soaring! What most people haven’t heard is the technology that’s behind it called blockchain technology and the real world problems that it’s solving. In this episode you will hear my conversation with the founder of Dark Horse Coins, Eric White.

Eric is a return guest (Episode 007) and is an industry expert when it comes to all things blockchain technology. He has a knack for breaking down seemingly complex things in a way that is easy for you to understand. You will also hear how Eric started down the road of becoming a sought after expert in the industry and how his passion to help people led him to create Inspired Trading Group and Dark Horse Coins.

Episode Highlights:

05:32 – What is “blockchain” technology?

12:17 – How blockchain technology got Eric’s attention!

20:18 – Real world problems that blockchain can solve.

26:51 – How Blockchain is Internet 3.0

33:56 – Bitcoin the granddaddy of the digital currency world.

36:05 – How voting, the supply chain & royalties can be secured with blockchain technology.

47:04 – How DeFi (Decentralized Finance) will change the way finances are handled.

50:44 – How Eric’s passion to help people drives him to become the best he can be.

56:27 – Why Eric created Inspired Trading Group & Dark Horse Coins.

58:45 – The importance of your mindset for adding value to the world and building wealth.

Resources Mentioned in Episode:

Dark Horse Coins

Join Eric’s “Inspired Trading” Facebook Group

Inspired Trading YouTube Channel

TDJ Podcast Episode 007 with Eric White

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