044. Gary Ryan Blair: TDJ Mastermind Conversation with The Goals Guy

In this episode you are going to get to listen in on the conversation that the TDJ Mastermind community had with Gary Ryan Blair (Author, Performance Coach & Creator of the 100 Day Challenge). After Gary heard about all of the amazing results that our mastermind community was creating he wanted to join us during one of our Zoom meetings. Not only did he join us but he shared years of goal setting and achieving wisdom with us that only a true master of the craft can. What you’re about to listen to is just a portion of that conversation.

Episode Highlights:

4:50 Lebron James doesn’t do the laundry

7:41 Another way of looking at Leverage

12:41 Success Loves Speed – The power of pruning.

16:11 How to reframe imposter syndrome by going through the three phases: Hard, Messy, Easy

20:44 Embacing resistance

26:03 Gratitude – 1:11 Call to action

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