028. Handwritten Thank You Notes – One of the 3 Secret Weapons to Help You Stand Apart & Become Memorable

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIn this episode of The Doers Journey Podcast we discuss three secret weapons that you can use to help you stand apart and become memorable. Each of them used to be common practices but we’ve fallen away from with the advent of technology. Episode Highlights: Secret Weapon #1 … Read more

027. Until – The New & Relentless Mental Timeframe to Achieving Your Goals

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIn this quick solo episode host Carlos Frank talks about the power of leveraging the “Until” mindset when it comes to achieving your goals. You always hear about making sure your goal has a timeframe but what happens when you reach that set time frame? TDJ Podcast Episode … Read more

026. (Compilation) Top Takeaways & Guest Highlights from TDJ Podcast Episodes 12 thru 25

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIn this compilation episode, you’re going to hear some of the best takeaways and tips we received from the inspiring guest of episodes 12-25 of The Doers Journey Podcast! Episode Highlights 03:51 – The danger of looking back at your past. – Morris Robinson (World Renowned Opera Singer) … Read more

025. Sam Crowley: How To Uncomplicate Your Life with Simplicity & Momentum

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIn this episode you’re going to hear the incredible journey of Sam Crowley! Sam is a self proclaimed “ex-stuttering college drop out” who has literally created a “Every Day Is Saturday” lifestyle and worldwide movement! As of the date of this episode Sam’s Every Day Is Saturday podcast … Read more